
Stop losing your customers to large telecommunications providers.

Let’s partner together.

Fill in the form or call us at 312.361.8603.

Robust Technology

We own and operate our own cloud-based platform. This allows us the flexibility to custom-tailor our solutions around your clients’ specific needs.

Superior Partner Support

You will receive the “white glove” treatment. Work with an attentive Strategic Alliance Manager and get the technical, sales and marketing support your business needs to grow and thrive.

Say goodbye to selling outdated, unsupported phone systems.

Hosted VoIP simplifies your clients’ communications, reduces business expenses, provides leading-edge productivity features, and scales easily as their business grows.

S-Net Cloud PBX vs. Legacy Analog Phone Systems
Advanced Features
The productivity features of a Hosted Voice service are virtually limitless. They also integrate with a wide range of business applications, creating a seamless work environment for end-users.,
vs. X Limited Features
Legacy phone systems come with a limited choice of calling functionalities and often require costly MPLSn connections for simple tasks, such as transferring calls between branch offices.
√ Simplified Maintenance
A VoIP phone system doesn’t require complex hardware to function and can be easily managed through a user-friendly admin interface by a client, S-NET, or an S-NET Authorized Partner.
vs. X Complex Maintenance
Premise-based phone systems have complex maintenance requirements. With legacy providers going out of business or transitioning to cloud-based services, finding parts and servicing them is increasingly challenging.
√ Lower Costs
Hosted Voice phone systems can be set up with little to no capital expenditures and connect distributed office locations for free. End-users are upgraded to the newest software edition at no additional cost.
vs. X Higher Costs
Legacy analog phone systems require substantial hardware investments, expensive software upgrades, and complex wiring, not to mention the high cost of long-distance and international calls.
√ Flexible Mobility
A Hosted VoIP phone system enables businesses to easily place and receive business calls from any PC, Mac, or smartphone using their corporate phone line, extension, contact list, and caller ID.
vs. X No Mobility
Premise-based business phone lines, Caller ID-s, contact lists, and call data can only be accessed from an office location. When offices are inaccessible, business comes to a screeching halt.
√ Reliable Business Continuity
Housed safely in GEO-redundant data centers VoIP phone systems are protected from disasters. When corporate offices become unavailable, end users can continue their work uninterrupted from any device.
vs. X Lack of Business Continuity
An in-office analog phone system is susceptible to theft, flood, inclement weather, and other disasters. When technical issues occur, it may take days to repair and get communications back up and running.
√ Enhanced Security
VoIP signals are digital from start to finish and can be easily encrypted to protect sensitive customer information by certifying configurations and encrypting the transport layer and voice data.
vs. X Minimal Security
Analog phone lines are impossible to encrypt because signals can be transported in their analog state for several miles before being converted into digital. This makes businesses susceptible to attacks.

Contact us to start our partnership today!